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Help > Importing Tracks >
Import CSV file (.csv)


Composer Catalog allows you to import tracks with three different techniques. The second technique is importing from a CSV file (comma-separated values). It is very important to note that the .csv file must conform to certain formatting.

To import a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, go to TRACKS >> IMPORT TRACKS >> FROM A CSV FILE (*.csv)

Then you will see a screen that asks you for the directory that contains the .csv file. Click on the button and navigate to that folder directory. Once you select the folder, you will then see a list of any .csv files that are in that directory. Find the one you want to import and click on it.

In order for the .csv file to import, it must be in a certain format. Take a moment and look at the template .csv file provided. To find where the templte is located, look at the text on the bottom of this screen (see image below).

After you select your .csv file and the format is good, the next screen will display the data. (see image below ). If you need to make any changes, you can do it directly in this gridview.

Three fields are mandatory: track title, track type, and genre.

There are a couple fields that need to contain certain values:

Track Type - must be either an "i" or "s" (instrumental/song)
Genre -  any genre listed needs to already be in the system. If any genre is not found in the system, it was ask if you want to create them automatically, before importing the spreadsheet.
Registered - must be either a "y" or "n" (yes/no)
Is Signed - must be either a "y" or "n" (yes/no)

There are also some buttons on the top right of the form:

Toggle Import Track
This button will toggle the Import Track checkbox on all the tracks in the .csv file. If an Import Track checkbox is toggled on, it will chosen to import into the Composer Catalog library. If it is not checked, it will be disregarded.

Toggle Track Completed
This button will toggle the Track Completed checkbox on all the tracks in the .csv file. If a Track Completed checkbox is toggled on, it will set the status of the track as "complete". If it is not checked, it will be flagged as incomplete. If any tracks are flagged as incomplete, you can later go to TRACKS >> TAG INCOMPLETE TRACKS and perform some global changes.

Evaluate Import
Once you have successfully loaded up the .csv and made any necessary edits, you can now click on the Evaluate Import button and it will make sure that the .csv file conforms to the proper format. If it does, it will ask you to import the files into Composer Catalog. If it does not conform, Composer Catalog will let you know what fields (and row of the field), needs editing.